


Feeling alive and appreciating life is the most beautiful gift that you leave after illness. He lived through it struggle and healing make me realize that I have feelings of gratitude every single day and that I appreciate it everything that surrounds us. Such a heightened sense of life ripens goodness and the love that strengthens our relationships and helps others. And Godly care is faith and it fills us with confidence, as we realize that there is something bigger that is watching over us and takes care of us.

This experience can also bring forth additional goals in our lives. Perhaps a determined one will strengthen us striving to preserve our health and our personal development. We might want to to help others who are similarly struggling with illness, or we would support organizations that which support cancer research and treatment. An important goal can also be to have as much joy as possible bring happiness into our lives and live every moment.

By experiencing our feelings of gratitude, we are open to new opportunities and challenges. THE illness teaches us how precious our life is, and thus to live gratefully for everything day. Through this, we try to understand others better, we become more empathetic and patient, and rather, we want to share the wisdom we have gained in our lives.

Divine care and the relationship with faith appear in different forms in everyone’s life, but above all, it helps us find our own inner peace and resources. Not just your own following our path we can create a fuller life, but also with the power of a connection, which is greater it means a more conscious connection with destiny and the spiritual dimension.

Therefore, it is important that the feeling of life, goodness, feelings of gratitude, love and divine care
we constantly feed it in our lives. This helps us set goals and make sense let’s give our experiences.

Symptoms of stomach cancer include loss of appetite, stomach pain, weight loss, rapid satiety, nausea and vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding, anemia, fatigue, and weakness. However, it is important to mention that these symptoms are non-specific, that is, they can also be caused by other diseases. Therefore it is important that if you experience these symptoms, consult a doctor who can perform further tests, to rule out or confirm the diagnosis of stomach cancer.

When we are faced with such a serious illness, it is very natural that they arise unprocessed negative feelings. It is completely understandable that you feel sadness, fear and helplessness. However, it is important to mention that these feelings are completely normal and accepted. It is important that we give it giving ourselves permission to experience these feelings and experience the pain and loss.

However, it is important not to let these feelings affect all areas of our lives to be Let’s try to find ways to help us with negative energy process and transform it into positive energy. This could be for example with support people making connections, using the help of a psychologist or therapist, meditation or relaxation doing exercises or even exercise that can help relieve stress and improve it our state.

Remember that there is always hope and that the disease can be treated. See a doctor and ask help in processing your feelings. Do not let the disease and negative feelings dominate his life. Stay strong and brave and try to fuel it with positive energy yourself and your environment.

Please call or write for further help and healing

Julianna  Master of Telepathic Care and Spiritual Healing Tel +36300985103